Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02195
With one of the most pitiful raises ever this year I have to get creative in making money. So, I saw this ad for something a bit creative. There is a company called that will pay me in gift cards for advertising on my car. Does it sound like a scam, yes. Am I going to give it a shot? Yes. The good thing is that the sticker for my car finally arrived. I had been getting a bit worried that it had not arrived but it finally did today so I put it on my car.
Each month I take a photo of the sticker with a printout of a keyword so that the company can track that I still have the sticker on the car. Then they will pay out a portion of advertising dollars into my restaurant .com account for gift cards that I can use to go out to eat. While it is not bringing in actual money it can help defray the cost of eating out which in itself is so expensive now. We’ll see how this works out in the next couple of months.