Beach Fun

Paddle Boarding
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01659

This morning Allison, Andy and I went to the beach in the morning to go paddle boarding. We had tried many times to go paddle boarding and this time we got a longer time on the water, no lightning. There was a group on the beach having a private memorial for a family member. As I took the last board out of the water they were spreading the ashes of their family member into the water. It was a little strange to be there at that time.

pizza at the beach

We also spent a good time at the beach before lunch and got to spend some quality time swimming. We did that and then after I picked Andy up from Science School I also picked up pizza from Paul’s pizza to enjoy pizza at the beach. It was a bit windy but we still had a nice time enjoying the pizza.

Tonight Eva went with Auntie Tara to Folk Dancing in Woods Hole. She had a fantastic time.