Photo-A-Day #4386
We went to a very special Egg Drop/Egg Hunt today! The eggs were dropped from a helicopter. Apparently there were 14,000 eggs and that was way too many for the helicopter alone so the field was strewn with eggs and then the copter came in and dropped a bunch more eggs. There were 1200 people registered to attend and it was really busy. But, overall it was fun, well organized and people were pretty respectful. There are always a few who don’t follow the rules or the rules don’t apply to them. Everyone was asked to only collect 12 eggs. We told Eva and Andrew simply, to be kind.
I stood and watched Andrew. He was right on the tape ready to roll. We were really early so we stood for a long time. Close to the start a couple other boys came up and got in Andrew’s space. One pushed him and he told them that he was standing there. He pushed the boy back. Then he came to me. I told him that we don’t put hands on other people but I was proud that he had stood his ground. In his karate class he learns the motto, “common sense before self defense”. I’m not sure if he quite realizes that there should be a longer pause between the two, but he’s learning.
After the egg drop we went for lunch at KC’s Burger Bar and it was a fantastic. Then off to Stop & Shop and Target before stopping over to Eva’s friend Olivia’s house to attend her Bake Sale. She is raising money for Pediatric Cancer Research and also for her own trip for Florida. Half to one and half to the other. The kids had a great time “helping” and we had a nice time talking with Olivia’s parents. Olivia made some amazing cakes and cupcakes in the theme of Trolls. Eva bought one of the Trolls cakes which had little fondant characters on top. Andrew bought a S’mores Cupcake because he stuck his finger in the marshmallow.