Tag Archives: Lenses

New Leaves and Water Droplets

water Droplets
Photo-A-Day #2224

I took my Sigma 70-250mm Macro lens with the 4X Zeikos lens filter on it. I took the camera and put it on my tripod, switched to Manual mode shot a ton of photos. The problem that I was noticing was that with the large lens is that it didn’t focus sharply enough. This was the best out of all of the photos, and by best I mean sharpest. I do like how close up I’ve been able to get with these lenses. I’ll try some more close up things with my other gadgets tomorrow. Continue reading New Leaves and Water Droplets

My Camera Bag Puked

Photo-A-Day #2159

I went through my camera bag today and then collected a bunch of the gadgets and gizmos that I purchased over the years and repacked my bag. There are a ton of things in that bag and I wanted to make sure that I had everything with me so that as I go through the rest of the month I have the right tools for the job. I think I should be able to use everything in the bag. Continue reading My Camera Bag Puked