Tag Archives: National hot Dog Month

Hot Dog Day Trippin’ in Maine

Photo-A-Day #2650

Today Rob and I drove on up to Maine for a little Hot Dogging. We stopped at Flo’s Steamed Hot Dogs of Maine. Flo’s is famous for their secret brown relish. This little hole in the wall place is an iconic roadside hot dog joint. The hot dogs are steamed and come a few different ways. You can go with the house special, the loaded or pick your own toppings. Flo’s is also a jumping place with a steady flow of patrons.

On the walls and in some plastic bins there are tons of business cards. When people go to Flo’s they put their business cards on the wall and when the wall gets too full the cards are taken down and put into some of the plastic containers. Patrons are known to sift through them when they are enjoying their hot dogs. We have a full story of our adventure over at Hot Dog Stories.

Learning Where Our Food Comes From

Photo-A-Day #2638

Our family is part of a CSA (Community Sourced Agriculture) which translates to a weekly share of fresh vegetables and other crops. We are part of this CSA with other friends and tonight we went to Attleboro Farms with the kids to learn more about where their food comes from. Our friend Greg has been doing the bulk of the work to get the CSA up and running and he was so good with the kids teaching them about each of the crops that were planted. The kids got to pick their ow tomatoes and also got to try peas. In addition to that the kids got to plant some squash. It was a wonderful night and we had a lot of fun. Continue reading Learning Where Our Food Comes From