Tag Archives: Video Games

What are your Family Video Game Policies?

Photo-A-Day #2790

We decided that in addition to buying the Wii U for Christmas that we’d also get a Nintendo 3DS. I found it for $25 off at Target so I ordered it. We had already received six games from Activision and I had purchased the 3DS version of Skylanders last year and again this year so we have games but haven’t had the system to play them on. The 3DS arrived yesterday and I charged it up. I played a little of the Wreck-It Ralph game today and some of the Epic Mickey game tonight.

I’m going to play and review the games we got from the Activision Family Game Summit before Christmas and then pack everything up for Santa to give it to the family as a family gift. I set up all the parental controls like limiting the 3D ability of the system so that Eva can’t use that (not recommended for children under 7) and some other parental controls.

Eva has been asking for a DS for a while now and I’ve really just wanted to go and get her one but she’s only 5 so I can’t see this being a gift solely for her. We’re working on some family policies for video games. How much time to play and when to play and so on.

What are your Family Video Game Policies?

Earlier this month I went to the Activision Family Game Summit and now the video of that event is online at http://familygamesummit.com/live.php, there are some great tips on selecting age appropriate games for kids and other tips.


Photo-A-Day #2232

Yesterday I was in a funk and I think that the photo-a-day reflected that. I couldn’t get out of my own way, I couldn’t get myself motivated to do work and so I floundered. I really thought that I would be getting much more done now that I was home full time. I look around at all that we have to do before we move and I got a bit overwhelmed. I look at the posts that I need to write for different commitments and I get overwhelmed. Continue reading Groovy