Stumble Guys Toys Uboxing

Stumble Guys
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01893

I realized that it has been nearly a year since I’ve posted anything to YouTube. March 31 of last year was the last time I had posted anything. A bunch of things happened around that time that made keeping a filming schedule going nearly impossible. I had started training for my black belt in Krav Maga. We started tearing apart the bathroom on the first floor to remodel it and Fortnite made it more difficult for creators to create videos. So, I took a step back and never really went back to making videos. That is, until today. I was sent a very fun box of toys from PMI Kids World for the video game Stumble Guys. The package contained a bunch of fun things inside and I did an unboxing of those toys. So, I’ll attach my video below.


Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01892

I have this lentiucular piece of art in my office. It is of Wolverine, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man and Spider-Man. I found it at Wild Time Comics years ago and I’ve had it up in the office since I switched rooms with Andy. It is one of my favorite things in the office. I do enjoy that team of superheroes together. Although they hardly ever work all together as a team. We’ll be getting more Wolverine in the movies oon with Wolverine and Deadpool coming to theaters this Summer. I cannot wait to see these two team up for an amazing movie.