Category Archives: LEGO

Separate Adventures …

At Brickfest
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02178

Today the boys had one adventure while the girls had another. I learned that I had a full day of Personal Time that I had to take or lose by the end of the year so I picked a day where there wasn’t much happening at night at work. We’re still short a person and one other person was going to be out for the weekend. That would leave only two people on and I don’t like taking time when there is a downtime to manage. But, it worked out that nothing was happening so I booked the tickets to aht andy and I could go to Brick Fest Live in Worcester.

Brick Fest Live is a LEGO show where people come with their LEGO creations both amature and professional. There are also a bunch of LEGO themed activities to do. I had gone to Philly Brick Fest several years ago when I was doing a LEGO themed YouTube show. That event was really good and I had expected the same sort of thing from today’s show. Today’s show paled in comparison. It was very small and there wasn’t a whole lot to do. I think that andy and I were there for little over an hour. We did the activity to get the free gift and then got some tacos for lunch at a cool little place with great food.I learned that Andy enjoys chorizo. We were home well before the girls.


Allison and Eva went to Boston to the MFA and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Allison had gotten discounted passes from the library for both places. The MFA had a Georgia O’Keefe installation that they wanted to see.

Macro Time …

macro lego shot
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02131

My new phone a Google Pixel 9 Pro, arrived today and it has a built in Macro Mode for the camera. This new camera on the phone is awesome. So many megapixels and the ability to shoot in macro. The tough thing is holding the camera still enough to get a good macro shot. I was trying to take a few shots and they did not come out great because of how close I had to get and how still I needed to keep the camera. But I think this image of the inside of Optimus Prime’s chest in my LEGO Optimus Prime came out pretty good. You can even make out the backwards LEGO word.