Category Archives: Technology

Winter Project For Mom and Dad …

slide scanner
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02018

We got Mom and Dad a slide scanner for their anniversary. They have a bunch of old slides and this would be a great project to get them all digitized to keep. Many of the slides are from our great-uncle Richard. He took so many photos. My parents have all of them and so the slide scanner will be very useful to help them clear things out. Then they can get rid of the physical slides that are taking up space.

The slide scanner is hooked up to Dad’s new computer. That arrived today and I got everything set up so that he can start using it right away. I hope I didn’t miss anything.

Computer Surgery

computer surgery
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02013

The parts for Dad’s computer came today. Unfortunately, this did not fix the problem. The computer refuses to turn on at all even after replacing the battery and more. I think it was the salt air that did it. Shorted things out. But I tooko ut the hard drive, battery and the ram chip because that can be used in other computers. I’ll recycle the rest of it. so now it is time to order a new one and I’ll be setting that up next week.

Poor Eva got COVID from science school. This really sucks because she was scheduled to go to a birthday party for her friend Ollie on Saturday. Unfortunately she’ll be just resting back at home. I took the weekend off so I’m staying on the Cape with Andy. Eva will get to spend some quality time with her cat, though.