National Cereal Day 2024

National Cereal Day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01887

Today is National Cereal Day and with it came the last item in the countdown box that General Mills sent me. The item is a crunch cup. This is a combination cup that allows you to take your cereal on the road. As you sip you can also eat cereal with milk. I think cereals like Cheerios and Lucky charms would work well in this because they are small. I tried it with corn chex and that seemed to not slide out as smoothly as other cereals would. I’ll have to try this with some other ones to see which would be best.

Cookie Time

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01886

Today was book fair at Andy’s school. Andy picked up three books including a cookie cookbook. On the same day Eva had her friend Steven over and they made chocolate chip cookies together. Eva had mentioned that she wanted to make cookies today and I requested chocolate chip ones because all through the winter I’ve wanted chocolate chip cookies and kept waking up to Swiss chocolate squares, which are not my favorite. So, got my chocolate chip cookies and they were great.

I took Andy to rock climbing and it was the second to last session and the instructor would not be there next week so she gave the kids their certificates this week. Andy earned the Best Dynamic Climber superlative. that makes sense. Rock Climbing is something that Andy loves so much and each time they go to class they push themselves harder and harder. Andy is always up for a rock climbing challenge.