Andy’s New Computer …

new computer setup
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02036

Andy bought themselves a new computer. Andy had been using one of my old laptops. It did what it needed to do for Andy for a long while but it was still a bit old and wasn’t going to cut it for much longer. Andy had expressed that they wanted a new computer and using some of their money from Mimi and Dano plus what they had saved and more they were able to buy a new gaming desktop with a whooping 32GB of RAM so speed should be incredible. We also went to Best Buy last week and picked up a 24 inch Amazon Fire TV so that Andy could use that as a monitor, TV and also to connect my old Wii U gaming system. Andy has asked so often if they could play Guitar Hero on that system and well, I never had it hooked up. Now Andy can play anytime they want. We also moved the old desk chair into their room to use with the computer. This not only freed up space in the kitchen but it also gives Andy something better to sit on than a folding chair.

Now the trick it to keep everything nice and neat.