Catching Up With The Last Kids On Earth …

last kids on earth
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02038

Today I went to An Unlikely Story to meet up with an old friend. They did not show but I was also there to pick up some Last Kids on Earth books. I’ve been rereading the series and I realize that I did not have a couple of the books. I got those at the store and have been tearing through each book in a day or so. I’m hoping to finish them up next week.

Also in the photo is a couple pairs of shoes and some sweatpants. I’m working on my costume for Granite State Comic Con. I’ll be Peter B. Parker and Eav is going to be a teenage Mayday Parker. I’m looking forward to our time on the trip. I’m also growing my hair and my beard for the costume. I’ll trim everything up when the time comes, though. I’m still waiting on one more piece of my costume. Should be a fun time.