Born to Game …

forced to work
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02047

But forced to Work. I got a new shirt a few weeks ago and it has become my work at the office shirt. It is no secret that I dislike having to go to the office to do something that I can 100% do at home. I had been wearing another shirt every time I came to the office and even wore it two days in a row simply to see if anyone would noticed. But when you are in the office with maybe 4 other people not much gets said. The building is completely empty except for my group of 4 people on the second floor and about 6 people on the 4th floor with my cousin Shaun.

We’re losing one of the people in our group and I have been trying to convince Shaun to come to my group. But he is not. He should, but is not.

You might notice that I haven’t shaved in a while. I’m trying to grow out the beard and hair a bit for the Granite State Comicon. I’m doing two costumes this time, one with Eva and one on my own. The one on my own is a guy from the TV show Supernatural. He wears a hat, has a beard and is surly. I can pull that off. Allison is making me a special shirt for that costume. The other is Peter B. Parker. He’ll have a 5 O’clock shadow. So I’ll shave that Sunday morning for the second costume. Less of a beard and more of a scruff for that one. I should be able to get a decent beard by late September if I don’t get too annoyed trying to grow it out.