Visit to Mystic Aquarium …

at mystic aquarium
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02053

Today we took a drive down to Mystic Aquarium for a last family adventure of the Summer. Allison starts work on Monday and Eva goes back a couple of times during next week. Andy still has a whole week of Summer break before they go back. So, today was the best day for us to go to the aquarium.

We borrowed our friend Preston’s Feinstein card. Andy had one but I accidentally tossed it away when cleaning out my wallet. Andy will get a new one next month. With that card families get a free child and adult admission to the Mystic Aquarium. We hadn’t been there in several years. It was the kids’ idea to go to an aquarium. We had a nice time and spent a peaceful walk through the facility and checked out all the exhibits.

Andy loved seeing all the animals through the looking bubbles because it distorted them. Both kids loved the beluga whales and also the penguins. We even watched the sea lion show. It was definitely geared to little kids but it was fun to watch, too.

When we were done with the aquarium we went over to Dogwatch for lunch. Allison had been there on a previous visit to Mystic and she enjoyed it so shared it with us. We had a nice meal there and then headed home so that I could get some sleep before work.