2 Idjits Garage …

2 Idjits Garage
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02058

Eva and I are headed to the Granite State Comic Convention in September. We are both going to be doing some cosplay at the event. I’ve been watching all the seasons of Supernatural on the weekend and there is a character on there that I figured I could cosplay rather easily. Beard, beat up Hat, jeans and flannel. So, I found a good flannel to use at Savers plus a vest, which is too small but should still work. I also asked Allison to make me a shirt. Mind you, the character does not have a shit like this and “2 Idjits Garage” is not a thing but I think that fans of the show will catch the reference and get a kick out of it. Bobby Singer, the character I’m going to cosplay always calls the two brothers in the show, the two main characters Sam and Dean, he calls them idjits. Dean also works on his baby, his car, his 1967 Impala all the time and would be a mechanic if he and his brother weren’t supernatural hunters. So I thought of 2 Idjits Garage. I hope that people get it.