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Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02060

Now that I have the new car I am making it my own. That begins with accessories. There were some pieces that I had on the old car that I am repurposing. While I no longer have a push to start button in the car I do still have the Transformers start button cover and I have it covering the volume button on the radio. I think I’m going to spray paint that a new color soon, maybe all red or maybe a metallic color. Not sure.

I picked up the visor and you can tell by the photo that it looks a little wonky. It is just a tiny bit too big for my car so it looks a bit squished when it is fully opened.

I also got some new silicone license plate holders in red. The car is going to have a black and red theme to it. I’m adding a few red elements to the car. I started with the vent blades on the air conditioner, they are metallic red. I also got a steering wheel cover and that has a red line to it. The windshield screen has red on it so there is that. As More things come I’ll mention them, too.