Eva First Day of Junior Year …

Evas First Day of Junior Year
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02059

Eva started her Junior Year today. Granted this was not a full day of school and the whole school was not there, just the Juniors and Seniors, but she was back in uniform today. It was a chance for the students to go through all of their classes quickly and meet with every teacher so that they could learn what materials they would need for the year.

Eva did go to school yesterday for an hour or so to meet with her little sisters. As juniors she gets a few new students as her little sisters and helps them out in their first year.

eva seemed pretty happy with her classes and teachers this year. She’ll definitely have more of challenge with AP Lit and some fun things, too like Astronomy and, of course, Art.

egg sandwiches

While Eva and Allison were off at school I decided to make some egg sandwiches for breakfasts. I made six sausage Egg and Cheese sandwiches and 6 bacon egg and cheese sandwiches. I had a little production line going there. Andy came at the end and helped me wrap them all up so I could label them and put them in the freezer. That way if anyone wants one for breakfast they just need to pull it out of the freezer and put it in the fridge the night before. Then heat it up in the morning.

thai sticky ribsTonight we went to Fireflies to celebrate the start of the school year. The family gave me a gift certificate for Father’s Day and I decided that we should go use it tonight. It is good thing we had that gift card because we ended up spending almost exactly as much as what we had on the card in addition to the card. BBQ adds up. One thing that we got that we had not had before was the Thai Sticky Ribs. They were Andy’s suggestion and everyone loved them. they were so good. Everything else was, too and we had plenty left over to enjoy another night.

2 Idjits Garage …

2 Idjits Garage
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02058

Eva and I are headed to the Granite State Comic Convention in September. We are both going to be doing some cosplay at the event. I’ve been watching all the seasons of Supernatural on the weekend and there is a character on there that I figured I could cosplay rather easily. Beard, beat up Hat, jeans and flannel. So, I found a good flannel to use at Savers plus a vest, which is too small but should still work. I also asked Allison to make me a shirt. Mind you, the character does not have a shit like this and “2 Idjits Garage” is not a thing but I think that fans of the show will catch the reference and get a kick out of it. Bobby Singer, the character I’m going to cosplay always calls the two brothers in the show, the two main characters Sam and Dean, he calls them idjits. Dean also works on his baby, his car, his 1967 Impala all the time and would be a mechanic if he and his brother weren’t supernatural hunters. So I thought of 2 Idjits Garage. I hope that people get it.