Back to School With General Mills …

new General mills foods
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02055

The folks at General Mills wanted us to be ready for the school season. They sent me a package of some great stuff including Super Mac from Annie’s, a bunch of granola bars and some new cereal from Cascadian Farm. They also provided us with a cute little sign for back to school. One of those signs that kids hold up on their first day back. Eva will use it Thursday and Andy next Tuesday. Andy already called dibs on the mac and cheese. Some of the granola bars are nut free which is great because of all the kids with nut allergies.

Welcome to the Party, Pal …

Party Wallop
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02054

My Transformers X Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover toy arrived today. The figure is called Party Wallop. He converts from robot turtle to the TMNT Party Wagon. The figure comes with 4 different bandanas to indicate one of the four turtles and also a spot for the letter of their names on the belt buckle. So essentially the figure could be Donnie, Leo, Mikey or Raph. I love how it came out and love that the packaging allows me to see the actual figure. I hope that they do the Knight Rider one like that, too.