Jury Duty in Fall River …

Fall River Courthouse
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02051

Today I had jury duty in Fall River. I got there for 8:00am to check in for a day of sitting and waiting. When I checked in I was given number 211. I sat down and watched the movie Bruce Almighty, almost to the end. Then we were led upstairs to the courtroom to be selected for jury duty. However, I was not part of the first group to talk with the judge for selection. I went with the rest of the people to an empty courtroom. We sat there until lunchtime and then were given an hour to go and eat something. I did not want to venture far so I picked up a donut and then headed back to the courtroom. We sat there until about 3:45 pm and then were released for the day. Other groups were brought out to the judge but I was never part of any of the groups. So, a long day of waiting.

On the way home I stopped by Chartley Country Store and picked up some burgers and buns and some other things for a cookout. We had invited Andy’s friend Preston over for a movie night in the backyard. We watched Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse. It was awesome to watch it again and it looked great in the backyard. It took a while to get everything connected and set up. We have to use a laptop to make it work properly but we know for next time. The boys had a great time and enjoyed the burgers and the popcorn.

Lexie Relaxing …

lexie on the couch
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02050

This morning we went out on the water on our paddle boards. The boys inflated 6 paddleboards for us to use. One deflated while on the water but they made out okay with it. It was nice to get out on the water this morning. It was nice and calm.

We hung out until the early afternoon and then headed home. We had a nice last trip of the Summer to the Cape.