Celebrating Shelby …

Celebrating Shelby
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02049

We went to the Cape for the next couple of days and tonight we celebrated my sister Shelby’s birthday. We enjoyed some pizza on the sun porch together and then a Carvel ice cream cake and cupcakes that Andy helped Auntie Tara bake. It was a nice day to spend with the family.

Final Food Truck Night of The Summer …

Enjoying our dinner
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02048

tonight was the last Food Truck event at Capron Park. We were fortunate enough to get to each on this season and each one was excellent. Tonight Allison got some tacos, Andy did loaded Mac and Cheese fries. Eva did her usually with General’s chicken on Friskies Fries. I got some beef empanadas that were excellent.

ice cream cookie

After we ate our meal we got some desserts. andy got a special churro and Allison a vanilla churro, Eva got chocolate covered strawberries on a stick and I got an ice cream sandwich with Cookie Monster ice cream. It was a nice night and we were lucky for the weather to be nice not only this night but for each of the nights this Summer for enjoying the food trucks.