My 5 Year Stripe …

end of an era
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02046

Eva and I went over to America’s Best Defense today. I picked up my black belt because my five year stripe was added to it in the last couple of months while we were on vacation. We went in person because we had some serious things to discuss with Sensei. We withdrew from the school. Eva has a lot of extra responsibilities this school year in the theater. This will not allow her much time to commit to krav training. Yes, she is so close to her black belt but at this time she doesn’t have an interest in pursuing it and if I know anything about earning a black belt, it is that you must be all in. You have to be fully committed to achieving this goal and if you heart is not in it then you will not earn it. Eva is young and she has time to go back to this if she ever wants to start again.

As for me, it was time to move on. We also could benefit from not having to pay almost $300 a month to train. I’ve certainly loved my time at ABD but it is time to move on to something new. But we will always have a home there if we ever decide to come back.

Cookies and Cream …

cookies and cream
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02045

We’ve had a lot of ice cream this Summer. Allison and I have been watching some fun shows also and ice cream goes real well with fun shows. We’ve been watching Acapulco on Apple TV + and it is so much fun. We’ve got a season and a half left of that show and we’ll be getting some more shows coming out next month. I think that we may stop our subscription to Apple TV+ soon because there are very few shows on that channel. That will save us a bit more each month.