Still Digging Up The Road …

digging up the road
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02072

Our road has been dug up ever since August. Road crews have been replacing the gas lines on the street and today they dug up between my house and across the street. Each morning it has been a guessing game as to which way we can leave the driveway and which way we can return. I hope this is over soon.

Tootsie Pop Drops …

Tootsie Pop Drops
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02071

When we are on the Cape in the Summer I head over to Jot Lot and find these boxes of Tootsie Pop Drops. I recently found that you can order a bag of just one color through Amazon. So, I went and ordered a bag of all grape. Sound be coming to me later this weekend.