Transformers Brawn …

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02070

I picked up the Transformers 86 version of Brawn. He was one of my favorite characters from the G1 cartoon. I like how they did this ’86 version and he looks great. So much better than the original toy, which I never had. I did get Outback who was a retool of that figure. I wonder if he will be a cameo figure in the upcoming Transformers One movie.

Side Window Louvers Project …

side window louvers
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02069

When I had my previous car I purchased some aftermarket side louvers for the small windows behind the back windows of the car. I wanted to dress the car up a bit and make it more my own. When I was getting that car ready to turn in so that I could get the new lease I took those off the car. I ended up getting a black car this time and while the louvers would have worked perfectly on that new car they had been on the old car for 3 years so they were weatherbeaten. I decided that I would give them new life by spray painting them. I’ve been working on them for weeks because I overdid it on the paint a few times and it bubbled up, so I sanded it down and started again, then I decided that I didn’t like how the color was coming out so I have been retaping it so that it comes out how I want it. I hope to get this finished and installed this week. That way you can certainly tell which car is mine, it helps Andy in the pickup line.