Andy’s First Day Of School 2024 …

first day of school
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02064

Today was Andy’s first day of school but it was the first (semi) full week for Allison, Eva and Andy. Allison was in half days all last week and Eva went in once. So this was the first week of school for 2024. Andy starting 7th grade and looking forward to it. This year they are in accelerated math and seem to be enjoying it so far. Andy did some work on it over the Summer, not much but some.

andys first day

It looks like it will be a nice week this week so Andy will be walking home from school all days except for probably Friday because they will have their trombone with them to take home and rather than carry that home I’ll pick them up and then swing over and get Eva.

With everyone out of the house I started my new regimen of taking a long walk and listening to an audio book in the morning, then taking care of any dishes in the sink, laundry that needed folding and then some video game time. Once the Granite State Comicon has come and gone and I shave again I’ll start making videos. Right now I have the most unruly beard for my cosplay at comicon. And I’m growing my hair out. I like it much better bald then the balding look I’ve got going on now.

Adding Touches To The Car …

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02063

I’ve been adding a few things to my car to make it more my own. I was in autozone today looking for some metallic black spray paint. I ended up finding a little deadpool symbol that I thought would work well right above my license plate on the front of the car.


I also ordered the item above from Amazon. I was very happy with these when they arrived. Very sharp and shiny. The fit here perfectly. I am getting some additional ones for the back half of the car. I’ll test to see how they look before I put those on. The one thing that has taken me a long time to add is the small side window louvers. I have spray painted them several times but am still not happy with the final result. I am trying again before I put them on. I think that my color choice will be a good compliment to the overall color of the car.