Andy Got His Cast Off

Andy got his cast off
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01109

I took Andy to the doctor today for them to check out his wrist. They first took off his cast and then took some x-rays. The doctor then came to us and showed us how the break was healing really well and new bone was already growing in. He said that the growth plate looked good and the break should not hinder that and it should not contribute to any possible arthritis in the future either. Nice to be young.

Andy liked the feeling of the cast being cut off. I thought that he would have been freaked out by the saw but the nurse showed him that it would not cut skin. Andy liked the vibrations and getting the cast off but he kinda wanted a new one, too. He did not need one, he just needs an ace bandage for a while longer and he cannot do any sports or karate until the 24th. I’m very glad that he is healing up so well.