Andy Starts Cooking/Baking Camp at Johnson and Wales

Proud of His Cookies
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01301

Today was Andy’s first day at his cooking/baking camp at Johnson and Wales. Eva attended this came a few years ago and she loved it. I know that Andy is also going to love it based on how excited he was coming home today. This morning however… was all nerves and anxiety. Doing something new can certainly cause some anxiety. This was brand new for Andy and for but he needn’t have worried he had an amazing time. He was talking up a storm on the way home.

At Johnson and Wales

When he came down the elevator he was all smiles and he had a big box of cookies and a huge tube of frosting plus a package of cookie dough to make at home. He could not wait for us to try the cookies that he made. they were decorated with carrots. He and his friend J.P. made them together. So, Andy made friends, made cookies and I think that this morning he also made pancakes for their lunch. In the morning they cook their lunches and in the afternoons they bake desserts. He’s going to have an incredible week.