Category Archives: Book

I love to read.

LEGO Dreamz Unicorn

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01828

My favorite book series is a series of books by author Shayne Silvers. Shayne Silvers has several great characters but the main story revolves around a wizard named Nate Temple. Shayne has written over 35 books since 2018 or so. I started reading (listening on Audible) over a year ago. I finished relistening to all of the books this morning and I’m starting to red the one book that is not yet on Audible: Boilermaker. The good thing is that this book continues after what had happened in the last book that I listened to, Snakebite.

In the books Nate has a surly Alicorn named Grimm and from all descriptions of Grimm I thought that this LEGO Alicorn from the Dreamz sets looked exactly like I would picture Grimm. Although he has feathers with red tips and I;’m not sure if I can recreate that to make it look closer to that look. I also think the character on Grimm’s back looked very much like Nate with his Horseman of Hope mask.

Revisiting the Past

old friend and old laptop
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01722

Today I took my old laptop and repurposed it for Andy. Andy loves playing Minecraft and has recently gotten back into playing it via computer. However, we have one family computer and that is used mostly by Allison while she does work for school.

I basically took off everything that would be bogging the computer down and installed Minecraft so that Andy could use it. this way there is a dedicated device that Andy can use to play their favorite game. It may be a little slower than the other computer but it still runs pretty well to play that game.

The book is the newest Bruce book. Andy loves the Bruce books and asked that we pick this up the other night when we were with Uncle Jim at Target. I haven’t had any free Bruce books sent to me in a while so we bought this one to continue the series. It may be a children’s book and Andy si definitely aged out of them but they still enjoy these funny stories.