Category Archives: Family Adventures

Last Night On The Cape …

Andy and Eva
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02019

Today was our last full day on The Cape. Those three weeks flew by. We enjoyed some beach time early in the day with my Aunt and cousins. Aunt Cindy and Uncle Wayne came down for a few hours with their grandkids, my cousin Erin’s kids and we played with them at home and over at the beach. I gave Danny some old lego like bricks that I had from when I was really little. He loved them and created some cool stuff with them. Allison and I cleaned out our closet and had a bunch of stuff for Savers and that was going to go there but I gave it to Danny instead. He’s a nut about LEGO.

Tonight we went to the end of the session picnic in Woods Hole. I thought that we were going to skip it but the kids wanted to go. andy spend a lot of time playing Volleyball with other kids. Eva eventually talked with her two TAs from her class. Auntie Tara pushed her along to go talk. then they had a great conversation. We got Paul’s pizza on the way over and enjoyed that together.the kids on the wall

When we got back from the picnic the sky looked great so we went over to the beach for a few photos. We did a recreation of one of the kids with Lexie. Or we tried to, at least.

Family Photo

Falmouth Commodores Game

Falmouth Commodores
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02017

Tonight we went to a Falmouth Commodores Game. Well, I went with Dad, Andy, Dylan and Kylie. Allison and Eva went with Tara, shelby and Mom to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. Mom and Shelby swung by the game later but Allison, eva and Tara went home.

We were hosted at the game by a local real estate group that we know from back in North Attleboro. They provided us with sandwiches, chips, drinks and some snacks to eat while we enjoyed the game.

The kids ate quickly and then went off to play. they were back quickly asking if they could go to Dairy Queen across the street. dad sent them over with a gift card and some money. They came back with actual change and great big ice creams. Andy even got a banana split which he proceeded to eat right behind me. After the ice cream they were off and playing again. Dylan and Kylie found their friends. Andy went and played gaga-ball with a group of random kids. Later on one kid saw Andy and gave them a fist bump. That was nice to see.