Category Archives: Family

Easter Sunday 2024

Easter Sunday
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01911

This year we had Easter at home. Mom and Dad came down from the Cape and went to church with us and then came over for Easter brunch. We did not do an easter egg hunt this year. I don’t think either of the kids minded that much. I did make each of them special Rainbow Eggs that I 3D printed.

We had a nice meal with roast, ham, a breakfast casserole that Allison made and more. Allison took care of getting everything ready around the house because I worked all weekend except for Sunday.

Eva and Andy at Church

We had a nice relaxed day at the house enjoying the company of family. The weather even held out and was fairly decent.

Christmas Day 2023

The family by the tree
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01817

Christmas Day here was a bit different than past years. We were going to be spending the entire day on our own because we’re spending the next couple of days with family on the Cape. We started off our morning with Stockings and cinnamon rolls. Allison made them fresh the other day and we had plenty for our morning. We took our time with everything and slowly opened our gifts.

Andys minecraft light

We didn’t go fully overboard this year because there was one big gift for everyone and Allison and I had already given ourselves a night out as a gift so we were a bit more reserved with the overall gift giving this year. Allison got the kids each some stuffed animals from IKEA that they loved. Andy got a octopus and Eva a shark. I just know that Eva is going to do some project with that. Andy was a the prankster by wrapping a can of soup for me that looked like a mug. I have this thing about the number of mugs we have in the house. There are too many so when we were shopping and Andy suggested getting Allison a mug I was adamant about not getting her one. so instead Andy has honed in on my dislike of mugs cluttering the house and decided to play a joke on me. Was pretty funny.

Eva and Allison

It was nice to just take it easy for the day. Gifts in the morning and wings for lunch was nice. We also did facetime with Mimi and Dano and then with Memere and Grandfather.

the kids with the 3d printer

the big gift this year was a 3D printer. This thing is massive and will live in my office. I’m having the kids learn how to create 3D models on tinkercad. I’m also going to learn how to use that program as well and hopefully we can start making some really cool stuff.


We had a nice dinner of the BBQ things that we got from Chubs. I also picked up corn bread loaves and cole slaw and beans to round out the meal. We evan had some leftovers that we froze to enjoy on New Years Eve. It was a nice day spent enjoying family time. We ended the night by watching Scrooged as a family. Andy fell asleep on Allison because they had been up very early.