Category Archives: Family

Photo-A-Day #548 10/08/06

Photo-A-Day #548 10/08/06, originally uploaded by abennett96.

Today Allison and I went to IKEA and picked up our new bed. We got the Queen Size NORESUND. That was thanks to Uncle Tom, Thank you. We met up with Dan and Marcia and cruised through the store, had some lunch there and picked up a few other things for the house. We got the mirror that goes with the bed frame and a hanging thing that also goes with the bed frame (Don’t ask me what it is exactly but it goes on the wall and has three canvas holders.) We also picked up a cat pillow for the boys and some cool little glass dishes for cooking (To hold small amounts of spices and whatnot, just like Alton)

Speaking of Alton, we’ve finally gotten the time to sit and watch Feasting on Asphalt and we both love it so much. I can watch Alton’s shows all the time, you learn so much and he inspires us to learn more about cooking and the history of food. We are almost finished watching and wish that there were more than 4 shows.

Marcia and Dan came home with us and we made a great dinner with them and with my parents. So I took advantage of the beautiful weather and grilled the chops. Allison made homemade apple sauce as well as an apple/cranberry crisp with the mix we picked up yesterday. Dinner was fantastic. It was nice to have both sets of parents around for dinner.

Photo-A-Day #435 06/17/06

Today Allison and I went to visit my Grandparents in Harwich. We got there early enough to catch one of Grandpa’s softball games. He plays with the Cape Cod Senior League. Also called the Old Timer’s League or maybe it was once called that. Either way he’s been on a team playing so well for many years. He can hit, he can run and he can field. He also did many years of pitching. He’s also been known to take care of some grand slams at some games. This picture is of him coming in to score the first run of the game for his team. We thought we were going to be run out of the place because the team was losing and they have been undefeated so far this year. But not to worry the team came back in the end to win it.

After the game we stopped over to Grandma and Grandpa’s house so Grandpa could get changed so we could go to lunch. We went to lunch at Ocean’s Edge resort in Brewster. My Aunt Cindy works as the concierge there. She showed us around the place and introduced us to the staff. They took good care of us. We went to the pub and Allison and I split a turkey club and each got a cup of chowder. We copied Grandma and Grandpa’s lunch choice. After lunch we saw more of the resort. Aunt Cindy showed us some of the cool places there.

On our way home we saw another one of the whales from the Whale Trail of Cape Cod. It is called Blue Hydrangea, which is in front of the Brewster Bookstore. I caught a shot of it as we passed by. We went back to Grandma’s and Grandpa’s house so that Grandpa could catch the game and Allison and Grandma could read and take naps in the sun room. I worked on fixing the things that had become buggy around Grandma’s computer. It is all back to working order now. The computer took a while and Allison found out where I get my trait of wanted to be somewhere on time. Yeah it is genetic.

We went over to my Aunt Cindy and Uncle Wayne’s house for a cook-out. Mom and Dad and Tara came up too and they brought a crock-pot of pulled pork. I had gotten hat started that morning. This time I used a fresh Boston Butt instead of a smoked Picnic cut. This was so much better even Jeff said so. This time I used a shot of Captain Morgan’s Rum in the mixture. I wasn’t able to use the Tabasco ketchup because I forgot it at home (even though I had a list).

The Cookout was a good time. Uncle Wayne got a Tractor Trailer tire rim from a junkyard to use as a fire pit, that worked out great. My cousins roasted their own hot dogs and we made tons of S’mores and got to use the toasted coconut marshmallows. They were very tasty. When my cousin asked what the difference between the junkyard and the dump was I explained that the junkyard is like the dump but it has a gift shop. When we hike some of the campsites have a fire pit and most of the time they use a tire rim, and the fire pit of course is the best part of hiking. That is where the group gets warm and shares stories and has a good time. Allison and I had such a good time that we stayed until the fire burned down to embers. We hung out talking with Cindy, Wayne, Erin, Corrine, and Jeff. Such a great time was had that we didn’t get home till close to 1:00am. What a nice day. I took many many pictures.