Category Archives: Food

Spring Fun from General Mills

Spring Box
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01904

General Mills sent me a special Spring is Here box filled with new Spring products. There were a whole bunch of great things inside like Oreo Brownie mix, Some mac and cheese plus Spring themed cereals. There were also some bunny shaped graham crackers. I think that they would fit well into the 3D Printed Easter eggs that I made, too.

Spicy Cajun Crackers

Pat in Da Pot spices
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01888

Allison found some new spices from a creator on Tik Tok. They are called Pat-in-da-Pot spices and Allison picked up 3 different ones. Cajun, Bold Cajun and Garlic Cajun. I used the bold cajun with the crackers that I make occasionally. I melt butter and add spices to it and then pour the butter into the bag of crackers and then bake them for 20 minutes at 250 degrees. This makes some very tasty crackers. These new spices are really good, I look forward to using them on other foods.