Monday’s are tough days. I’m getting home from work and then sleeping the day away. Allison and Eva are back to school and Andrew is at the sitter’s for the day. This Monday was extra tough because I was finishing a blog project that needed a video made so I did that before sleeping. I slept later in the day and slept hard.
So, when everyone got home we were all exhausted and dinner was the last thing on our minds. Well, making dinner was the last thing on anyone’s mind. I woke up moments before everyone got home so I was not help, it was close to 5pm so we just decided to go to Weatherlaine’s because they have a bunch of Monday night specials.
We had a nice meal together and we had fun playing with the NX Mini taking photos together. I was taking a bunch of Andrew. He was so cute.
A silly Leprechaun came bounding through our house leaving green footprints everywhere and also turning our Milk, Orange Juice and toilets green. The kids enjoy the fun antics of the leprechaun and they also loved getting some tasty Honey Dew Donuts to munch on that morning. Eva was excited to see if her Leprechaun trap at school captured one. Sadly it did not but the kids were excited to see what the leprechaun did to their traps. Eva was not amused that he stepped on her tiny table.
While the kids were enjoying the Leprechaun at school I took Andrew out to run errands and since he was pretty good overall we went for a special trip to Chuck E. Cheese’s For $10 we had about an hours worth of fun and we came home with Andrew winning a couple of small items from all his tickets.
It was a fun time with Andrew. He loved playing with the games.
We did not have our traditional corned beef and cabbage today, we are having friends over on Thursday and then we will enjoy that meal.