Category Archives: Food

The Discerning Palate

Photo-A-Day #2963

Dinners with the kids have gotten even more exciting now that Andrew is making use of utensils. While they are no longer in his hands for the photo he is working very hard on using the kids spork. While he is doing well with this he is still a baby and so he ends up throwing the spork on the floor many times during the meal. Throwing the spork is one of his favorite dinner activities. The other is stuffing his little maw with anything he can grab. Continue reading The Discerning Palate

Weird Stuff from Big Lots

Photo-A-Day #2954

I’m fully aware that most of the food stuffs from Big Lots didn’t do well anywhere else. I picked up these strange candies because they were interesting to me. I just tried one of the strawberry ones and let’s just say that there certainly was a reason that these ended up at Big Lots. I just don’t enjoy fruit tastes with chocolate. Peanut butter and chocolate is a good combination but you add in the strawberry or grape and to my palette it is just not good at all. Oh these were certainly not good at all. I’ll be seeing if my co-workers have a different reaction.