Category Archives: Food

Ultimate Fry Sauce Recipe Contest

Tasty Fry Sauce

I’ve been excited about Fry Sauce ever since I posted a random photo-a-day of A1 and Frank’s Red Hot Sauce. In that post I asked people. What do you like on your Steak, Fries, Hot Dogs and Burgers. Well people responded with all sorts of things but Chica challenged me as to why I had not put Fry Sauce as one of my answers. I had never heard of Fry Sauce so I asked her about it, consulted Wikipedia and looked all over for this supposed delicious concoction.

Quite simply Fry Sauce is a combination of Ketchup and Mayo. That is the simple version. It is good but there is so much more it can be. I became so obsessed with it that I ordered a side of mayo with every burger I have had since. One place even had the gall to charge for it. I’ve added things like yellow mustard, pickle juice, Tabasco and even Red Robin seasoning to my various creations.

But I want to try more. That is why I am holding this contest. I am looking for the Ultimate Fry Sauce Recipe.

Here is how it will work:
1. I’ll take recipe submissions from October 15th till October 31st. Please submit them through the form below.
2. Recipe must use Heinz Ketchup and Hellman’s Mayo. (I’m not buying 10 different ketchup and mayo bottles)
3. Recipe must use accurate amounts tablespoons, ounces and the like. (I have to recreate it)
4. I will select 10 recipes, in the event of less than 10 recipes I will use all recipes.
5. If there are duplicate recipes I will take the first one submitted.
6. Ketchup and Mayo are your starting points, be creative and remember we want the best tasting sauce.
7. I will create the sauces and distribute them to a panel of judges along with some fries.
8. I will video the proceedings and select a winner.
9. The winner will be announced on Monday November 10th.

What does the winner get.
Well, I could not get a Fry Sauce manufacturer to sponsor the contest so I’m doing it myself. I saw the perfect item for a fun loving cook. The Big City Slider Station.

The Contest is now over. Here is a link to the winning Fry Sauce recipe.

You know what I’ve wanted to try in Fry Sauce… Bacon. Luckily there is Mayo with Bacon already in it.

Making Fry Sauce

Ever since I put up my post Steak Sauce, Hot Sauce, What Sauce? I’ve been a bit obsessed with a sauce called Fry Sauce. Chica was the one who told me about Fry Sauce and so I started looking into it. She told me about Some Dude’s Fry Sauce which is a kicked up version of the stuff.

What is Fry Sauce. Basically Fry Sauce is Ketchup and Mayo mixed together. The traditional recipe is two parts mayo to one part ketchup. I had a buffalo chicken sandwich for lunch and got fries with it so I went and put some Hellman’s mayo into a small Solo container. I also grabbed 4 packets of Heinz ketchup and a second Solo Container.

Making Fry Sauce

I assembled my ingredients and started work on my first attempt at Fry Sauce. I added the ketchup to the mayo.

Adding Ketchup to the Mayo

I then stirred the contents together and there was way too much for one of the solo cups. So I poured half into the other cup.

Mixed Sauce

The consistency was very pourable. It also coated the fries very well. I took my first bite.

Tasty Fry Sauce

It was pretty tasty. The overall taste was milder than ketchup and had a very creamy consistency.

I plan to experiment with different ingredients to make a very tasty sauce. I also tried to contact Some Dude’s Fry Sauce there may or may not be some info coming soon about that.

My Fry Sauce obsession will come to a head with a contest in the next month or so. It is going to be a recipe contest and I am hoping that people will enter. I’ll mix up their recipes and have friends over for a taste test, video the whole thing and crown a winning recipe. Details like rules, times and prizes are TBA right now. I’m looking for a sponsor for the prizes. I think this will be a lot of fun, and tasty too.