Category Archives: Friends

Crossover Episode with Annie from Stowed Stuff

Andrew and I seeing Daniel Tiger Live
Photo-A-Day #3959

I took Andrew to see Daniel Tiger Live today, but first we visited Annie from Stowed Stuff for a Crossover Episode of the vlog. Annie had a brand new camera and it got broken. Despite having the service plan at Best Buy her camera is nowhere to be found and she doesn’t have another one to use. So, I went over to bring her 3 of my cameras to use for her vlog until her camera returns from the ether. After quick demos on each camera we decided to do a vlog together. An intro for my vlog and an intro for her vlog. While we did that our two Andrews played together. They got along really well.

Once we were finished at Annie’s place we ran to Lowe’s for some contractor bags. A very quick trip there and then off to Target.

Our trip to Target was to pick up a new suitcase for my upcoming trips. I’m heading to Dad 2.0 next week and then next month I have a special trip happening, I cannot say much about it yet, though. As far as what happened after the trip to Target is in today’s vlog and I’ll have me tell you that via the video below.

Continue reading Crossover Episode with Annie from Stowed Stuff

Andrew’s First “Farm Day”

Photo-A-Day #3856

Cowboy Andrew

Today was Andrew’s very first “Farm Day” at school. I had been looking forward to this day ever since he started his 3 year old class. Farm Day was so much fun when Eva was at the school and I knew Andrew would love it, too. The kids start their day with a country breakfast of orange juice, sausage and biscuits. We volunteered to make the biscuits and got those done right before we left the house so that they were still hot for the kids to enjoy.

With the Class Scarecrow

So, the kids have the morning for the breakfast and other things and the parents can come back about 45 minutes later. So while I waited I got a coffee from Honey Dew and came back to the parking lot and recorded a Periscope. Periscope is something that I learned about at IZEAFest and since then I’ve been doing one every day. The one I did from the car was basically an introduction to who I am. You can watch it below. Continue reading Andrew’s First “Farm Day”