Category Archives: Friends

How to save on Movie Rentals

BlockBusterWe have a family friend who rents movies at the supermarket from those stand up Red Boxes for $1 a day. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal as long as you want to run back and forth to the supermarket all the time. He also has a Blu-Ray player and those boxes do not have Blu-Ray. The major problem is that his rentals end up costing him on average $8.00 per rental. That is per a $1 rental. Why is that? He’s a procrastinator.

The perfect plan for him would be Blockbuster Online. And that is because BLOCKBUSTER Online Offers More Choices, shipping is free both ways, you can keep the movies as long as you need them and there is no extra charge for Blu-Ray movie rentals. Pretty much the perfect scenario for my movie renting friend. And if you are one of those people who likes going to the store, poking around and finding movies then you can do that as well (depending upon your plan).

I’ve encouraged him to sign up for the Free Trial of BLOCKBUSTER Online today. I know that this will end up costing him so much less over time and who doesn’t want to save a few bucks, especially on entertainment.

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