Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

A Visit to Nashoba Valley Winery

Photo-A-Day #547

Today Allison and I made a road trip up to Stow, MA to Shelburne Farm to go for an impromptu apple picking adventure. The day was absolutely beautiful. We got to the farm and saw that they had apple picking, pumpkin picking, a little store and some beautiful scenery. We went to the store first and picked up a mix for Apple Crisp. Then we realized that we didn’t have quite enough apples at home. We had picked up some Cortlands at The Big Apple in Wrentham, MA last weekend. So we decided to go out to do some apple picking. We brought our cameras and had intended to just go on a photo safari day. Today was a day about saving some money and spending some good time together. It was a great day.

We headed out to the orchard and started by picking a few Macouns and then some McIntoshes and then a couple of Cortlands. We only picked a peck and Allison loaded it up with as much (and more) as could fit in the bag. We got our money’s worth from the day. Here are a few pictures from Shelburne Farm.

After the farm we went over to the Nashoba Valley Winery. If you get a chance to go there some weekend I recommend that you do. Take the tour, it is only $3.00 a person and you get a souvenir wine glass and get to taste 5 or so wines. The wine is reasonably priced. We picked up a bottle of their Dry Pear wine. We also took a few pictures there as well. Inspired by our friend Amy’s fantastic pictures of wine country in California, I set up a few shots with the bottle and the glass. Today’s photo is one of the set up shots and some photoshop work to make it look more stylized.

Photo-A-Day #548 10/08/06

Photo-A-Day #548 10/08/06, originally uploaded by abennett96.

Today Allison and I went to IKEA and picked up our new bed. We got the Queen Size NORESUND. That was thanks to Uncle Tom, Thank you. We met up with Dan and Marcia and cruised through the store, had some lunch there and picked up a few other things for the house. We got the mirror that goes with the bed frame and a hanging thing that also goes with the bed frame (Don’t ask me what it is exactly but it goes on the wall and has three canvas holders.) We also picked up a cat pillow for the boys and some cool little glass dishes for cooking (To hold small amounts of spices and whatnot, just like Alton)

Speaking of Alton, we’ve finally gotten the time to sit and watch Feasting on Asphalt and we both love it so much. I can watch Alton’s shows all the time, you learn so much and he inspires us to learn more about cooking and the history of food. We are almost finished watching and wish that there were more than 4 shows.

Marcia and Dan came home with us and we made a great dinner with them and with my parents. So I took advantage of the beautiful weather and grilled the chops. Allison made homemade apple sauce as well as an apple/cranberry crisp with the mix we picked up yesterday. Dinner was fantastic. It was nice to have both sets of parents around for dinner.