Eva Earns Her Brown Belt

Eva and Mr Brochu
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01081

Eva earned her brown belt in Jr. Krav Maga today. Eva has been progressing very well in the art. She does have to work on her aggression during classes. she has no problem banging me around but she’s less aggressive with a partner. I know she has more power to show in each class but she steps back a little. I’m sure that this will change over time as she gains more confidence in her abilities.

now that she is a brown belt she is on a six-month rotation for her belts. Things get much more intense at this level and she’s about a year and a half out from testing for her black belt. She is still very focused in class and loves going. We haven’t been able to coordinate with her usual partner though. Maybe next week. Eva made her a really nice gift.