Rock Sale and Barnstable County Fair

Andy with chicken
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01297

Today was one busy day on the Cape. The kids did their annual rock sale and this year it was to raise funds for the Sarcoma Foundation of America. This was Eva’s choice because one of her favorite streamers, Technoblade, who passed away from Sarcoma less than a month ago.

kids at rock sale

The kids did a fantastic job selling fidget stars, rainbow loom bracelets, lemonade and painted rocks. They raised over $200 to donate. The table was out all day long and many people came by to help out. It was a super hot day but things went well. The kids were great about making sales and talking with people.

Andys Snow Cones

Tonight we went to the Barnstable County Fair. Eva was meeting up with her friend L. She met her at the Wicked Comic Con and they have been playing Minecraft together ever since. We met L’s parents, too. They were nice down to Earth people. Eva and L went on rides and wandered the event together. Allison, Andy and I went our own way. Neither of us were interested in going on rides and Andy was on the fence. Ultimately he did not go on any but we did play a couple of games and we got some food as well. Before we did that we visited the barns so that Andy could see all the animals. He was so excited to hold a nine day old chicken. He looks so proud to do it. He was so gentle with the baby chicken. He also looks so grown up in today’s photo.

After we ate Andy got make your own snow cone. He was able to chose all of the flavors that he wanted. He decided that the addition of Mango was not a good choice in the end. We went and sat over at the horse arena so he could watch the 4H kids ride horses. Then we caught back up with Eva and L and L’s parents.

Donut Ice Cream Cone

This is when I was able to scoot over to the Donut Ice Cream Cone booth and get one of their Oreo ice creams. It was fantastic and probably the best fair food I’ve ever had. It was a a good night and everyone had a lot of fun.