Tag Archives: Allison

Scoop, Scoop, Scoop

Scoop, Scoop, Scoop
Photo-A-Day #1318

This is the rally cry of Eva’s swimming lessons. Eva can really reach out and scoop, scoop, scoop her hands and kick, kick, kick her feet. I was able to see this today at the Y when we went to a birthday party for Eva’s friends Nate and Audrey and Allison’s friend Michelle. I have to say the involvement of Allison in the local area mom’s group has been really great for both Allison and Eva. They have both made some really nice friends in our area that otherwise we probably would not have met.

We had a nice Sunday, lazy morning and then to Church, Eva was pretty good but she gets tired right at that time for Church so it makes it a bit tough to keep her entertained and also quiet for the people around us. After that I went and did the week’s shopping and somehow lost an hour of my life. I thought I was doing well but I guess I was not because I didn’t get home till 1:30 and as consequence had to pick up Happy Meals for a quick lunch before we ran off to the party. Eva did enjoy the couple of french fries and some of the McNuggets. This is certainly not a regular occurrence as Eva generally eats what we eat and we generally eat pretty well each week. In fact we now sit down and try and plan out what will be made each week and how many days it can stretch and the like. I still leave Stop and Shop wondering how 4 reusable bags can cost so much. But I did pretty well with coupons this time. I think that as we do this we will also dust off some of our cook books and take a look at what is on sale and then look in the cookbook to see what can be made with that particular item, meat, fish or chicken, etc. This should help cut down the impulse spending and the multiple trips.

We’re also going to start getting delivery from our local dairy, Munroe Dairy. We’re gonna try this for 6 months and see if planning ahead helps us keep costs down.

By The Way, I took this shot with my waterproof digital video camera the Sanyo EC1, it makes a great Christmas gift for your watersports enthusiast.

3rd Anniversary

3rd Anniversary
Photo-A-Day #1314

I took this with my xshot, I guess I should have taken it before we ate, but the food was so good I took it afterward.

Today Allison and I celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary. Three great years. Tonight Allison and I went to Fortune House for an Anniversary Dinner. We love going there because the food is consistently good and the people there are fantastic. They were so nice with Eva and came by to talk with her again and again. Eva was wonderful and she tried many of the items from our plates. She did well with the pieces of chicken from the chicken fingers but wasn’t so good with the boneless spare ribs (a little too tough for her tiny chompers). She did enjoy the red bean ice cream though, always a favorite after dinner treat, that and Green Tea ice cream.

Well, three years have certainly flown on by. Looking back at our wedding day and through or wedding album (which we still haven’t made into a physical one) I can’t believe how far we’ve come in so short a time. A wonderful journey so far. Looking forward to many more years ahead.
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