Tag Archives: Allison

Pumpkins Momma!

Pumpkins Momma!
Photo-A-Day #1296

Today we took Eva to Adam’s Farm to play int he pumpkins. I was very surprised to see so many people at the place. I think maybe we went at a later part of the season the last time we went to the farm. Actually we went earlier in the season as I just checked the photo gallery. So this was the first time that we took Eva. We let her crawl around and play on the pumpkins. I got some nice shots of her having a good time. We also got some goat food and fed the goats and the calf. The goat food was in an ice cream cone. As I was feeding the goat the cone was bitten in such a way that it pretty much exploded in my hand. I jumped.

After that we went over to our friend’s house for Chili and S’mores. Allison made a white chili with chicken and our friend Amy made the traditional meat chili. We also had little corn bread muffins, oyster crackers, cheese dip and nacho chips. It was a very tasty evening that was finished off with some S’mores Nachos.

Also at dinner I showed my friend Ryan my iTouch and he had just gotten one too. then one of Allison’s friend’s boyfriend showed us his as well. We compared applications and had some geeky fun. I even showed them how to add a blog to the Home Screen, especially one with a Blog Icon. In between we played Guitar Hero on the Wii. We did the Guitar Hero 3 version and the Aerosmith version as well.

Now it is getting late so it is time for nighty night, sleepy sleeps.

Photo-A-Day #702 03/11/07

Today I snowshoed up and around the Flume in the Franconia Notch State Park. I was with Aunt Cindy and Uncle Wayne and their friends Marylin and Andy. Allison hung back at the house and got a ton of knitting done as well as some book club reading completed. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #702 03/11/07