Tag Archives: Cat

Oliver’s Look

Oliver's Look
Photo-A-Day #1447

I shot this one with my telephoto lens on the macro setting. I’m also using many of the manual settings on the camera to get different looking images. It always makes me laugh a little when the photos of Oliver look like he’s bad ass. He’s the biggest wuss too. The first one to run away at the sound of something new.

The photo is a little more orange than I wanted it to be and there is a bit of noise in the area behind Oliver. However, getting a cat to pose again exactly as you want him to is not exactly possible.

Sitting wherever he pleases

Sitting wherever he pleases
Photo-A-Day #1424

Oliver has been the subject of my photos lately. While I probably should have gone outside during the day today and shot some photos of the snow, I decided to stay nice and warm inside the office. Yes, I went into the office today. I know, it was crazy, I certainly could have worked from home. There were a couple of reasons I went into the Office.

#1.) I wanted to work out. Here’s the thing about working out, I used to work out over 3 hours a day back in 2000-2001. I would work my 8-4 job then go right to the gym till about 7:30 or so and then come home for my night job and play video games most nights. I could do that because I had just burned about 1000 calories. My workouts are not that ambitious at the moment but eventually when I can get the rhythm of the elliptical back in my veins I will be cranking through those cals pretty fast. I work out at work because hardly anyone else uses the gym. It is a pretty decent one too, they have a recumbent bike (my favorite), a rowing machine (gotta get ready for kayak season), a universal machine (I’ll tackle that eventually), Elliptical (great workout from those) and some treadmills but I really don’t have much use for those since you can pretty much walk or run anywhere (well, once the snow stops falling around here).

I was able to catch up on a few of my podcasts today as well. I watched a few episodes of Average Betty and some Dilbert Episodes. Any excuse I can give to mention Average Betty I’m gonna take it, she rocks. I just take my iTouch in its iFrogz sleeve and watch show after show as I bike for 30 minutes. It makes the time fly by.

The second reason I went in was because of the big project I am working on. I was supposed to meet with someone very important but ended up doing everything via e-mail. Something I would have done a week or so ago had I not been told otherwise by countless people. Well it worked out via a simple e-mail and that was that. Now on to more pieces of the project.

I’ve got quite a few decent posts lately that you really should go back a few days and check out, especially the one about the plug ins to make your blog look better on the iPhone. That is worth a read for sure.

The other post is the one right before this one about the Charity Bowl-A-Thon from Market Leverage. I received an e-mail from the awesome Dina Riccobono regarding helping out and I said sure. Dina told me today that this blog was mentioned on Market Leverage TV today. My blog image was up there with Missy Ward, how every cool.

also wanted to mention this.

Is this a sign?

Is it a sign of things to come?