Tag Archives: Firefly

My Geeky Winter Style

Shot on my HTC One X +For the past month I’ve been using an HTC One X + phone to put through its paces as a camera and media device as well as a phone. Each week there is a little challenge for the bloggers who are participating in order to show off the features of the device. This week’s challenge was to go and show off your geeky winter style. Well, for me I primarily wear T-Shirts and a hoodie, I hardly ever wear a winter coat unless it gets super cold out. I also hardly ever wear gloves or a hat unless I am working outside.

I do wear a hat after I go to the gym or take my son swimming but that is about it. A few years ago Allison knit each of us Jayne Cobb hats. These hats are fun the TV show Firefly and in one episode (The Message) Jayne receives a hat that his mother knit for him. It is ugly as sin but he wears it proudly while the rest of the team subtly mock him about it. It goes right over his head (no pun intended). Firefly fans from all over have watched the show faithfully and those with knitting prowess even deconstructed the hat to make a pattern. Allison found the pattern and made hats for all of us. The first two were too small for Eva so they went on the cats heads, much to their chagrin.

Another thing that Allison knit for me that only comes out during the winter is my Wash sweater. Wash was the pilot of the Serenity from the TV show Firefly. Allison spent over a year hand knitting this Cable Knit sweater for me that is a replica of the one that Wash wore in the show. She is very talented and the sweater only comes out in the winter because it is about 5 pounds heavy and is so warm that I can only wear it when it is freezing out. Continue reading My Geeky Winter Style