Tag Archives: Krav Maga

Get it in Gear

Get it In Gear
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00027

We are nearing the second month of the new year and it is about time to start setting some goals. Through my Krav Maga classes I’ve been thinking more and more about goal setting because in Martial Arts there are levels and so you can’t help but think of getting to the next level or improving upon what you are already doing. I want to earn the next belt in Krav but I won’t be able to do it unless I set some goals, not only in class but paying for class. I’m already doing pretty well at making sure I get to class at least twice a week. I want to do more but for now twice is a good start.

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

Photo-A-Day 2.0 – #00018

This year I decided to really step outside my comfort zone. I got an 8 week intro to Krav Maga at America’s Best Defense in North Attleboro. Andrew has been training there for a while in his Little Dragons class. I’ve wanted to try this for a long time but just didn’t either have time or the money. I’ve been at it 2 weeks now. I am enjoying it so much. The issue is now, how to earn enough each month to continue and to buy all the gear. Our Sensei talked about Goal Setting and I now have to set a goal to earn the amount needed each month to continue to train. I want to keep the momentum of this class going.