Tag Archives: Photo-A-Day

Deck them halls and all that stuff

Deck them halls and all that stuff
Photo-A-Day #1344

I think that I’m out of my funk with the weather. At least with the photography side of things I am out of the funk. I came home to see that Allison had really done a great job of decorating the house. So I took advantage of that and decided to shoot some low light photos of the mantle. That hurricane lamp has been buried for a while and I was happy to dig it out this past week when Allison and Eva were away. We’ll be picking up some little silver balls to put in it as well.

Today was also very busy in my Big Box of Awesome! Even more people decided to go looking around in it. Check out who had their nose in the Big Box of Awesome!

Michelle from ZenGrrl dot com is going to make me a nice card with the software that you can have if you win BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome!

Olga The Traveling Bra found a Mouse Pad in BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome. That is the only “padding” you are gonna find on her blog.

Alli of Always Alli has is planning for the next 12 months because she found BenSpark’s 2009 Photo-A-Day Calendar in An awesome box that sadly, isn’t mine

Joe of JoeTech riffled through BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome and told his readers I Snooped Around and Found More Free Stuff For You.

Have you actually seen everything that is in BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome. Check out all the “revealed” items on my Flickr page.

The IZEA Insiders are set to launch a couple of great contests and we haven’t even officially begun yet. But the rest of the insiders and I are geared up and ready to go. We are recruiting people for our Crews (Leave a comment or use my contact page if you are interested in being a part of my crew, The “I’m Not A Famous Blogger” Crew)

One of the contests will start on December 16th. I can’t say anything about it until then but it will be great! The other one just popped up for us today. That is each one of us was offered a ticket to Affiliate Summit West in Las Vegas. I must have slipped up on my meds today because I said I didn’t want a ticket, I have no vacation time left. But then when I snapped out of it I realized that I was being offered a ticket that I could give away. I may be too late to give one away So if it is and you want to try and win a ticket from the other IZEA Insiders here are their links.

Heather of the TEDHeads crew has a ticket to give away.
Corrin of the Peanut Gallery Crew has a ticket to give away.
Julie of the IZEA Swarm Crew has a ticket to give away. She is also going to be at Affiliate Summit as the Blogging Lounge Mistress.
Lisa of the Spark-E Crew has a ticket to give away.
Steven Sanders of the IZEA Mafia Crew has a ticket to give away.
Brett of LiveWriterz Crew has a ticket to give away.

The Weather Inside Ain’t Frightful

The Weather Inside Ain't Frightful
Photo-A-Day #1342

I have a new desk. I have nothing of mine at the new desk but I do have a new desk in a new building. This building is really beautiful and so it is high profile for customer visits. I have to clean up my act in this place. One really nice thing that is in this building is the atrium. Inside the atrium are many trees and plans and a water area. Each Christmas a giant tree is erected and decorated. This tree has 4 way stabilization action going on too.

Spent some time with Dad tonight, we went over to La Havana for dinner. I got my favorite, Vaca Frita. Dad got a pork and onions sandwich. He was impressed with the food.

A pretty quiet day around here. However one really cool thing happened, I received my first shipment of 2009 Photo-A-Day Calendars from Vista Print. They are awesome. I wish there was some way to make a product that I created, available to buy through Visitaprint. But there is not. These calendars are destined for The Preservation Framer to be sold locally. However, you can buy my Photo-A-Day Calendar from Zazzle or Lulu. The Zazzle one has all the titles of the photos. I was unable to put them on the Lulu one. And Zazzle has discount coupons almost every day. I just want to give everyone a choice.

Looks like Stephen The Dog snooped around my Big Box of Awesome and found something. Go visit him to find out what Stephen found in BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome