Tag Archives: Photo-A-Day

Photo-A-Day #596 11/25/06

This is Clyde, he is one of Marcia and Dan’s cats. Clyde is pretty much a huge ball of fur with a tiny head. He plays till he starts panting. The poor cat has no sense but he is awfully cute to photograph. I couldn’t resist taking a bunch of pictures of him after he played for a long time.

I finished reading Tyrannosaur Canyon today. A decent read. I liked the book and the characters. There was quite a cast in the book and very interesting as well. The plot was good and the action kept me entertained. I will probably read more Douglas PReston books in the future. Here are some of his books. Preston often writes with Lincoln Child

Series Books

Agent Pendergast, an FBI special agent, is featured in:

Margo Green, a natural history museum curator in New York City, is featured in:

Non-series books:

Photo-A-Day #595 11/24/06

This morning we got up and went to Cafe Loco for a delicious breakfast with Tara, Shelby and Erik, thanks Erik. I had the Michael Muffin and Allison had the Long Boat Key Omelet. Then we picked up some salsa to bring to Allison’s parents. We walked around back and I took some pictures of the cows.

Then we stopped back to the cottage and picked up our stuff, said goodbye to Mom and Dad and headed out to Manchester to see Dan and Marcia and spend the rest of the weekend with them.

Allison and Marcia spent the afternoon sorting through the decorations from various holidays. Marcia decorates her house so well and thoroughly each holiday that after many years she has many decorations. Because they are moving she is consolidating those decorations and giving quite a few to Allison. We had the trunk full after about 30 minutes.

In the afternoon we were visited by Sandy and her niece Brenna and Allison’s friend Jessica.

Ken called me later in the afternoon about doing dinner at La Caretta. So Allison and I met up with him at 7:30 and then James came and then Ken’s fiance Alicia arrived. We had a nice dinner and good margaritas. I do like their food very much and have missed being able to go there with our friends here in New Hampshire.

After dinner we went back to Dan and Marcia’s so I could show them the video I made for Marketing Day (Andy I swear you will get to see this). I don’t think that they were all as impressed as everybody on Friday night but they laughed none-the-less. Allison snapped the Photo-A-Day of Ken leaning up against me and me having my arm around him. He tries to freak me out by getting uncomfortably close all the time but I wouldn’t let him this time so I played along. It is a running joke with us. Ken and Alicia closed the living room well after I headed to bed. It was nice to see Ken, Alicia and James. We had a nice dinner and conversation.