Tag Archives: Photo-A-Day

Photo-A-Day #590 11/19/06

Today Allison made an apple pie for Thanksgiving dinner. I am very excited to have some of this pie since it is from the apples we picked up on our trip to New Hampshire last weekend. There are some new kinds of apples that we have not used before and I am anxious to taste this concoction. Should be very tasty as I know Allison make some great pies.

Photo-A-Day #589 11/18/06

Tonight Allison and I went to visit with Dot and Paul at their house. Allison’s parents came down too as well as family from England. Dot and Paul’s son Matt came for dinner.

Dinner was a very nice Pork roast with a rosemary, ginger and lemon marmalade sauce. They also had a spinach dish, mashed potatoes, and my favorite, cornbread. Which I also had this morning for breakfast. Cornbread twice in one day makes for a good day in my book. We had a very nice visit and a nice time there. I’ll make sure I honk from now on when I drive past on my way to work.