Tag Archives: Photo-A-Day

Photo-A-Day #584 11/13/06

Another day of filming. Today was very productive. I have all but one scene completed for the Marketing Day video. Then I will be pulling everything together onto one DVD. It is coming out great. This scene is in the company Atrium and the group in black suits were a back up “posse” for our two frontmen in the white shirts.

Blogger has made some changes, I can no longer upload pictures and other things like videos and whatnot. Well, I can still upload pictures but the utility that I need to use doesn’t work correctly for me. I don’t know why. I have to investigate. I would think that if Blogger is now a part of Google it would have some better gadgets. Time will tell.

Photo-A-Day #583 11/12/06

Today is our one-year Anniversary. Allison and I wet to Café Loco this morning for breakfast. Allison got the Long Boat Key Omelet. It was an omelet with cheese, bacon and avocado. I had a Michael Muffin, which was a great egg and cheese and bacon sandwich on a thick English muffin. The breakfast was fantastic. We also picked up two Revel bars on the way out and Allison got another Half and Half and I got an all natural orange soda. Revel bars are chocolate and oatmeal bars that are fantastic. We snacked on that on the way to Manchester.

We had Anniversary lunch with Marcia at Cactus Jacks. Lunch was very tasty. I had a Black Jack Burger and Allison got a burrito. Marcia got a buffalo chicken sandwich without the buffalo. As we had lunch we kept getting comments from a feisty old lady in the booth across from us. We said something about being from Massachusetts and she piped up, “Don’t say anything bad about Massachusetts.” Allison and Marcia enjoyed chatting with her. They love feisty old ladies.

The weather was terrible so our ride home was long, but we made it home and unpacked and got everything back in the house. Back to reality tomorrow.

Oh and we are going to try a slice of our wedding cake later tonight.