Tag Archives: Photo-A-Day

Photo-A-Day #578 11/07/06

Today is election day. Did you go and vote? The signs in the picture and thoughts expressed are those of the sign waves and not necessarily those of me. Ask anyone I don’t talk politics. I absolutely can’t stand discussing it.

Busy day today. I gave a demo to a site from Spain. I was one of two non Spanish Speakers in the room. I thought that maybe I could show them some of my Spanish Vocab projects from High School but then thought better of that. Besides Rondi still has my only copy of the best Spanish Vocab video ever. I do have to say that was the best part about the Spanish classes, making up weird skits with Scott and Andy. We used fireworks, shaving cream and a tea kettle of water. We had aliens, a hotel and a shoe store. Yep, we ran the gamut.

Photo-A-Day #577 11/06/06

I got asked today, “Drew do you ever run out of things to put on the blog?”. I mean I have been keeping this blog updated for almost 3 years now and have said many things. I’ve taken many pictures. Sometimes I have a hard time coming up with something to say each day but when I start typing I just let my stream of consciousness flow. That really drives Allison crazy because she goes back through and fixed the grammatical errors and spelling errors I make. I use spell check but sometimes I fat-finger a word and it gets through.

My mom has been cleaning out one of the rooms in the house and she found this. This is one of my first piggy banks. Doesn’t it look like he has a Beatles haircut. He is also shiny from the flash. I love this pig, he has personality. And he probably has about 8 bucks in him at the moment.

So yes sometimes I have a hard time writing about things and some days I come home to find a shiny pig full of coins.