Tonight is the end of LOST. This is a show that Allison and I have loved ever since it started. We’ve watched nearly ever episode together and tonight is the finale. However we are a half hour behind and Eva keeps coming back into the living room. I swear I’m putting the sides back up on that bed.
So I’m not going to be writing a big post tonight, however I’ll give you two photos and information on both of those photos. Continue reading Goodbye to LOST→
Last year my sister Tara found a big Tonka farm at a yard sale. When I got home today Allison, Eva and I played with the farm out on the front yard. Eva has names for all the animals. Wilbur for the pig, of course, Phillipe for both horses and the bull is named bull and the cow is named Bessie. The farmer is named Betsy. She insists on calling him Betsy. She cracks me up. Continue reading Farmer Betsy→